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Object-oriented way of using matplotlib – 6. Artist and Useful Links

This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series OO matplotlib





I would like to post a series of articles about object-oriented way of using matplotlib. That explains why we should use that way and how to code like that. The main references are come from the official matplotlib website, “matplotlib.org” and  the book, 『Python Data Science Handbook: Essential Tools for Working with Data, Jake VanderPlas, O’REILLY, 2017』.

This is the last article of this series. We have seen a sort of stuffs with OO APIs from the basic objects to the customization. In this post, I will introduce the add_artist and some useful links for matplotlib.

6. Artist and Useful Links

a. add_artist()

In the third post of this series, I’ve quoted the sentence about artist. “Basically everything you can see on the figure is an artist (even the Figure, Axes, and Axis objects)” So, you can draw anything on the figure canvas. Some of drawing elements are part of axes so that it can not be drawn by itself. But independent drawing objects can be drawn freely. You can see how to draw artist objects in below examples. Actually, every examples are shown in matplotlib.org

Here is some example.
The full source code is here. [Link]

b. Useful Links

  • Matplotlib Official Documentation
    • General Usage and Anatomy of matplotlib, [Link]
    • matplotlib.axes, [Link]
    • Placing Colorbar, [Link]
    • GridSpec, [Link]
    • add_artist examples, [Link]
    • Pure Object-Oriented Interface, [Link]
    • Legend, [Link]
  • Books
    • Python Data Science Handbook
    • Matplotlib-3.0-Cookbook, github [Link]
  • Pandas
    • “Plotting with matplotlib”, [Link]
    • “Effectively Using Matplotlib”, [Link]
  • etc
    • “Many Ways to Call Axes in Matplotlib”, [Link]
    • Matplotlib – Object Oriented Figure Plots (Youtube), [Link]
    • Python Histogram Plotting, [Link]
    • About bbox_to_anchor, [Link]
    • Overview of matplotlib architecture, [Link]


Thank you for reading a series of articles.
If you have any opinion or advice about the articles, please leave a comment.

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